Comment on "Modelling coseismic displacements of fracture systems in crystalline rock...
during large earthquakes: Implications for the safety of nuclear waste repositories”
Publicerad 2022-10-31

Fälth B, S Grigull, J Gåling, D Mas Ivars and F Wagner. (2022) Comment on “Modelling coseismic displacements of fracture systems in crystalline rock during large earthquakes: Implications for the safety of nuclear waste repositories” as published by Lei and Loee(2021) in IJRMMS, 138, 104590.
Lei and Loew address the question of how much co-seismicmovement may occur on fractures near the plane of a rupturing earth-quake fault. However, they apply a far-field solution to solve this very near-field problem. We conclude that the Lei and Loew methodology is clearly inappropriate for problems involving co-seismic near-fault stress effects.