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Constructional Engineering and Design

Constructional engineering and design give you a holistic perspective on the construction of houses and infrastructure in the community. In the community building sector, construction engineers work in teams in design, construction, production and management / development. This is an important part of the construction process. It is common for construction engineers and architects to work on these issues together. The education has a direct connection to business, which gives you good career opportunities after graduation. The labormarket will still be overheated. The division educate college engineers and has education that provides a college degree. All courses are held in Swedish. Go to our Swedish page here .

Contact us

Visiting address: Teknikringen 78

Postal address:
KTH, School of ABE/Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Division of Constructional Engineering and Design
Personal name, Brinellvägen 23
S-100 44 Stockholm

Phone number : 08-790 60 00
Fax number: 08-790 48 00

Belongs to: Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Last changed: Oct 10, 2024