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oBtoB: openBIM to BEM, from early to technical design and energy management

This project will enhance the overall energy efficiency of buildings by improving Building Information Modelling (BIM) to Building Energy Modelling (BEM) integration and contributing to the development of an openBIM methodology.

Project name: TACK-II: oBtoB: openBIM to BEM, from early to technical design and energy management
Project leader: Arianna Fonsati
Participating researcher: Professor Ivo Martinac & Kjartan Gudmundsson
Participating companies: Vetenskapsrådet
Project period: 1 March 2024–1 March 2027
Financed by: Statens energimyndighet

The research, embedded in the novel IEA-EBC Annex 91 “Open BIM for Energy Efficient Buildings”, will address challenges in the BIM to BEM processes covering early design, technical design, and post-occupancy building operation. The work will center on several real-life industry case studies involving building energy efficiency prediction and assessment throughout the building lifecycle. Anticipated results include processes, guidelines, best practices and instructions for the conservation of energy for buildings designed in an openBIM environment. Integration among the several aspects of this research will enable a deeper understanding of the discrepancy between the estimated and actual building performance, for new or refurbished buildings.

Belongs to: Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Last changed: Oct 23, 2024