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Better Traffic Information Provision under Delays and Disruptions

Project name: Better Traffic Information Provision under Delays and Disruptions, FoUI-992144
Project manager: Mohammad Maghrour Zefreh, Transport planning
Participating organisation: KTH, Oded Cats, Matej Cebecauer, Zhenliang Ma ​​​
Project period: 2024-2025
Funding: Region Stockholm

Being able to automatically detect disruptions in public transport and predict their spread across the network provides the opportunity to conduct proactive operation and control, thereby ensuring an att ractive, reliable and efficient publictransport system. The main objective of this project is to propose a framework that not only automatically detectsdisruptions in public transport and predicts their spillover effects on the entire network, but also provides an assessment platform to analyze the impact of detected disruptions and their resulting delays on passengers' travel timelosses. In addition, the framework will include a visualisation tool that offers information to both passengers andoperators during delays and disruptions. To achieve these goals, we will use the General Transit Feed Specification and Automatic Vehicle Location data to develop algorithms for disturbance detection and delay propagation prediction. In addition, smart card data from public transport will be used to evaluate the impact of disruptions on passengers' traveltime losses, including congestion effects. Next, the project will develop a visualization tool that shows the detecteddisturbances, their spread patt erns and their impact on travelers. With this, Region Stockholm will ensure a reliable andefficient public transport system that is in line with the goal of a sustainable and transport-efficient society. 

Mohammad Maghrour Zefreh
Mohammad Maghrour Zefreh researcher Profile
Belongs to: Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Last changed: Oct 07, 2024