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ESEP4Freight 101121840

In the future European mobility system, freight rail plays a key role in making a significant contribution to achieving the goals of the European Green Deal. The fastest and most efficient way to decarbonize freight transport is to shift freight to rail.

Project name: ESEP4Freight 101121840
Project manager: Ingrid Nordmark, Transportplanering
Participating organisation: KTH, EUropean rail Research Network of EXcellence (Eurnex), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Union internationale pour le transport combiné Rail-Route (UIRR), Fundació Eurecat, Gruber Logistics, Tenalach Consulting, Studiengesellschaft für den Kombinierten Verkehr (SGKV), Consorzio per la Zona Agricola Industrialle di Verona (ZAI).
Project period: September 2023- August 2025
Funding: Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking

To achieve this shift, the overall competitiveness of rail in the transport market should be improved. To strengthen the role of freight rail in the transportation market, it is necessary to attract the attention of freight customers. One manner to increase the awareness of rail freight is to provide customers with high-quality and open information about the possibilities of rail transport and the associated benefits of rail freight.

The objective of the ESEP4Freight project is therefore to provide freight customers with an overview of the available rail freight services in Europe via a web platform.

The main objectives of ESEP4Freight are:
• Creating, integrating and validating a set of web-based services integrated in an open-access Web Platform. This will include an interactive map of the existing European rail freight infrastructure with routes and schedules viewers, as well as a CO2 calculator, a contract toolbox and a match making tool;
• Proposing recommendations to adapt the current contractual and legal framework in intermodal transport to the needs of the different actors involved in the supply chain;
• Bringing together a large number of actors in the European logistics system to identify their information needs and to test and disseminate the ESEP4Freight results.
ESEP4Freight, is coordinated by the Division of Transport Planning at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). The consortium, comprising of nine partners from five countries, also includes EUropean rail Research Network of EXcellence (Eurnex), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Union internationale pour le transport combiné Rail-Route (UIRR), Fundació Eurecat, Gruber Logistics, Tenalach Consulting, Studiengesellschaft für den Kombinierten Verkehr (SGKV), and Consorzio per la Zona Agricola Industrialle di Verona (ZAI).

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Belongs to: Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Last changed: Sep 30, 2024