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Demand management for crowding reduction in urban transport by passenger groups

Project name: Efterfrågestyrning för minskad trängsel i stadstrafiken från
Project manager: Erik Jenelius, Transport planning
Participating partners: Anastasios Skoufas (KTH). Wilco Burghout (KTH), Oded Cats (KTH)
Project period: December 2024- Juni 2027
Funding: Trafikverket, TRV

Understanding the travel patterns and congestion contributions of specific passenger groups is important for managing travel demand and providing transport services efficiently. However, little is known about how different passenger groups contribute to traffic congestion. One passenger group with a relatively unexplored effect on the transport
system is tourists. Passenger groups with occasional travel patterns, such as participants in planned special events, can also contribute to congestion in different modes.

The primary objectives of the project are to use a data-driven analysis methodology to:

1) Improve knowledge of how traveler groups with seasonal patterns (city tourists) or occasional patterns (participants in special events such as concerts, festivals, conferences, and sports matches) use the transport system, with an emphasis on public transport.
2) Improve knowledge of the cross-network (including public transport, road traffic and micro-mobility) consequences in terms of capacity utilization and congestion of travel by these groups.
3) Propose and evaluate relevant demand management strategies. Different demand management strategies can help to reduce overall congestion and thus improve efficient transport planning.

Belongs to: Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
Last changed: Jan 09, 2025