Capacity in networks 2 (KAIN 2)
The project aims to improve the methods developed in the predecessor project KAIN for the calculation of the capacity consumption for railway stations, lines, and their combination.

Project name: Capacity in networks 2 (KAIN 2)
Project manager: Ingrid Johansson, Transportplanering
Project period: 2021-2024
Funding: Trafikverket
The method that is developed can be used to analyse both the capacity consumption of the existing infrastructure – independently of the timetable or for a specific timetable – and to investigate how changes to the infrastructure and/or the timetable affect the capacity consumption. In this way, the method can give input to discussions regarding infrastructure planning and planning of major traffic changes.
The development and improvement are achieved by implementing alternative track choices at stations, connecting turning trains, and handling single tracks. Method validation will also be performed, along with an analysis of the existing capacity consumption for stations and lines, including grading and visualisation of the capacity consumption.